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Second and Third Generation Graphene Materials a Rational Design of Advanced Nanoarchitectures for Energetics

Title:Second and Third Generation Graphene Materials:a Rational Design of Advanced Nanoarchitectures for Energetics

Invited Speaker: Prof. Gaetano Granozzi

           Department of Chemical Sciences

      University of Padova, Italy

Venue: Chemistry Building,A717 

Time: 3:00 pm,Nov.15,2017 


    Graphene (G) is an extremely intriguing material that is arousing a formidable interest in many different fields since it was first produced in a conscious manner in a lab in 2003. So many words have already been spent to emphasize its peculiar properties that it is needless to add more efforts to convince scientists on the actual breakthroughs that graphene can provide. Nowadays, the forefront of G research has progressed from the simple preparation and characterization of G toward second generation G-based materials, i.e. chemically-modified graphene (CMGs), and third generation 3D systems based on the assembly of G and/or CMG sheets (3DGs). 

    In the present lecture Prof. Granozzi will report on recent advances in the field of nanostructures for energetics attained in the Surface Science & Catalysis Group of the University of Padova.  A  rigorous Surface  Science based approach has been adopted to delineate a rational design of G based nanostructures to be adopted in the field of electrocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis. 

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