Curriculum Vitae

Hong Jiang ()

June, 2019


College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
Beijing 100871, China
Phone: 86-10-62765970; Fax: 86-10-62751708
Homepage: http:/jianghgroup






  1. Kefa Shen, Dong Luan, Hong Jiang*, Fang Zeng, Bo Wei, Fei Pang, Jianping Ge*, NixCoy Nanocatalyst Supported by ZrO2 Hollow Sphere for Dry Reforming of Methane: Synergetic Catalysis by Ni and Co in Alloy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces ASAP (2019).
  2. Min-Ye Zhang and Hong Jiang*,Electronic Band Structure of Cuprous and Silver Halides: a Numerically Accurate All-Electron GW Study, submitted Phys. Rev. B. , arXiv:1906.02472v1. (2019).
  3. Xi Xu and Hong Jiang*,First-principles investigation on anion order, electronic structure and dielectric properties of BaTaO2N, J. Mater. Chem. A. 7, 14583-14591 (2019)
  4. Yue-Chao Wang and Hong Jiang*, Local screened Coulomb correction approach to strongly correlated d -electron systems, J. Chem. Phys.150,154116 (2019).
  5. Yulong Sun, Yuechao Wang, Xinmiao Liang, Yuanhua Xia, Linfeng Peng, Huanhuan Jia,Hanxiao Li, Liangfei Bai, Jiwen Feng, Hong Jiang*, and Jia Xie*,Rotational Cluster Anion Enabling Superionic Conductivity in Sodium-Rich Antiperovskite Na3OBH4, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 5640?5644 (2019).
  6. Xi Xu and Hong Jiang*, Cluster expansion based configurational averaging approach to bandgaps of semiconductor alloys , J. Chem. Phys. 150, 034102 (2019).
  7. Hong Jiang,Revisiting the GW Approach to d- and f-electron Oxides, Phys. Rev. B, 97, 245132(2018).
  8. Zhi-Hao Cui, Yue-Chao Wang, Min-Ye Zhang, Xi Xu, Hong Jiang*,Doubly Screened Hybrid Functional: An Accurate First-Principles Approach for Both Narrow- and Wide-Gap Semiconductors, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 2338-2345(2018).
  9. Hong Jiang, Theoretical Models for Bimetallic Surfaces and Nano-alloys (book chapter), in Bimetallic Nanostructures: Shape-Controlled Synthesis for Catalysis, Plasmonics and Sensing Applications (edited by Ya-Wen Zhang, John Wiley & Sons, 2018).
  10. Min-Ye Zhang, Zhi-Hao Cui, and Hong Jiang*, Relative Stability of FeS2 Polymorphs with the Random Phase Approximation Approach,J. Mater. Chem. A,6, 6606-6616 (2018).
  11. W. Li, X. Xin, H. Wang, C. Guo*, H. Jiang*, Y. Zhao, Description of light-element magnetic systems via density functional theory plus U with an example system of fluorinated boron nitride: An efficient alternative to hybrid functional approach, Comput. Mater. Sci. 146, 84C89 (2018).
  12. S. Lou, and H. Jiang*, Theoretical Study of Adsorption of Organic Phosphines on Transition Metal Surfaces, Molecular Physics 116,944-955(2018).
  13. Xin He, Yang Xue, Cui-Cui Li,Yuechao Wang,Hong Jiang and Liang Zhao*Synthesis of stable polymetalated aromatic complexes through metalCmacrocycle capsule-triggered cyclization, Chem. Sci. 9, 1481-1487 (2018).
  14. P. Delange, S. Backes, A. van Roekeghem, L. Pourovskii, H. Jiang, S. Biermann, Novel approaches to spectral properties of correlated electron materials: From generalized Kohn-Sham theory to screened exchange dynamical mean field theory, J. Phys. Soc. Jp. 87, 041003(2018).
  15. Hongwei Wang, Lixin He, Hong Jiang, Cameron Steele, and Xifan Wu,Electronic origin of the spin-phonon coupling effect in transition-metal perovskites, Phys. Rev. B 96, 075121 (2017).
  16. S. K. Panda, H. Jiang, S. Biermann, Pressure dependence of dynamically screened Coulomb interactions in NiO: Effective Hubbard, Hund, intershell and intersite components, Phys. Rev. B 96, 045137(2017) arXiv:1612.07571.
  17. Yan Li, Zhiyong Ma, Aisen Li, Weiqing Xu, Yuechao Wang, Hong Jiang, Kang Wang, Yong Sheng Zhao, and Xinru Jia*,A Single Crystal with Multiple Functions of Optical Waveguide, AIE and Mechanochromism, ACS Appl. Mater.Interfaces 9, 8910-8918(2017),
  18. Xiaolin Li, Wen Liu, Minye Zhang, Yiren Zhong, Zhe Weng, Yingying Mi, Yu Zhou,Min Li, Judy J. Cha, Zhiyong Tang, Hong Jiang*, Xueming Li*, and Hailiang Wang*,Strong Metal-Phosphide Interactions in CoreCShell Geometry for Enhanced Electrocatalysis, Nano Lett.17(3) 2057-2063(2017).
  19. Zhi-Hao Cui and Hong Jiang*,Theoretical Investigation of Ta2O5, TaON and Ta3N5: Electronic Band Structures and Absolute Band Edges, J. Phys. Chem. C. 121, 3241-3251(2017).
  20. Defang Ding, Dawei Wang, Man Zhao, Jiawei Lv, Hong Jiang, Chenguang Lu* and Zhiyong Tang*,Interface Engineering in Solution-Processed Nanocrystal Thin Films for Improved Thermoelectric Performance,Adv. Materials, 29,1603444(2017).
  21. Yue-Chao Wang and Hong Jiang*, Local Screened Coulomb Correction Approach to EuX (X=O, S, Se, Te)(in Chinese), J. Chin. Soc. Rare Earths,35, 124 -134 (2017).
  22. Jingmiao Wei, Weiling Sun*, Weiyi Pan, Xiangquan Yu, Geng Sun, Hong Jiang*,Comparing the effects of different oxygen-containing functional groups on sulfonamides adsorption by carbon nanotubes: Experiments and theoretical calculation, Chem. Eng. J. 312, 167-179 (2017).
  23. Feng Wu, Huihui Wang, Yu-Chen Shen, and Hong Jiang*,Electronic properties of ionic surfaces: a systematic theoretical investigation of alkali halides, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 014703 (2017).
  24. Zhi-Hao Cui, Feng Wu, and Hong Jiang*, First-principles study of relative stability of rutile and anatase TiO2 using the random phase approximation, Phys. Chem. Phys. Chem., 18,29914-29922(2016).
  25. Ambroise van Roekeghem, Loig Vaugier, Hong Jiang, and Silke Biermann, Hubbard interactions in iron-based pnictides and chalcogenides: Slater parametrization, screening channels and frequency dependence, Phys. Rev. B 94, 125147 (2016).
  26. Zhicheng Luo,Zhaoxia Zheng,Yuechao Wang, Geng Sun, Hong Jiang* and Chen Zhao*, Hydrothermally stable Ru/HZSM-5-catalyzed selective hydrogenolysis of lignin-derived substituted phenols to bio-arenes in water, Green Chem., 18, 5845-5858 (2016).
  27. Xin He, Yuechao Wang, Hong Jiang, and Liang Zhao*, Structurally Well-Defined Sigmoidal Gold Clusters: Probing the Correlation between Metal Atom Arrangement and Chiroptical Response, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 5634 (2016).
  28. Chunsheng Guo*, Yu Zhou, Xin-Qiang Shi, Li-Yong Gan*, Hong Jiang* and Yong ZhaoRobust Half-Metallic Ferromagnetism and Curvature Dependent Magnetic Coupling in Fluorinated Boron Nitride NanotubesPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 12307 (2016).
  29. Yue-Chao Wang, Ze-Hua Chen and Hong Jiang*, The local projection in the density functional theory plus U approach: a critical assessment, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 144106 (2016).
  30. Hong Jiang* and Peter Blaha, GW with linearized augmented planewaves extended by high-energy local orbitals, Phys. Rev. B 93, 115203 (2016).
  31. Wen Liu, Enyuan Hu, Hong Jiang, Yingjie Xiang, Zhe Weng, Min Li, Qi Fan, Xiqian Yu, Eric I. Altman and Hailiang Wang*, A highly active and stable hydrogen evolution catalyst based on pyrite-structured cobalt phosphosulfideNature Communications 7,10771(2016).
  32. Geng Sun, and Hong Jiang*, Ab initio molecular dynamics with enhanced sampling for surface reaction kinetics at finite temperatures: CH2<=>CH + H on Ni(111) as a case study, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 234706 (2015).
  33. Zhao-Bin Ding, Feng Wu, Yue-Chao Wang, Hong Jiang*, Theoretical Studies of the Work Functions of Pd-based Bimetallic Surfaces, J. Chem. Phys.142214706 (2015).
  34. Hong Jiang, First-principles approaches for strongly correlated materials: a theoretical chemistry perspective (Invited Review), Int. J. Quantum Chem. 115722 (2015).
  35. Yunlong Zhao,Chunhua Han,Junwei Yang,Jie Su, Xiaoming Xu, Shuo Li, Lin Xu, Ruopian Fang, Hong Jiang, Xiaodong Zou*, Bo Song*, Liqiang Mai*, and Qingjie Zhang, Stable Alkali Metal Ion Intercalation Compounds as Optimized Metal Oxide Nanowire Cathodes for Lithium Batteries, Nano Lett. 15, 2180 (2015).
  36. Hong-Zhou Ye, Chong Sun, and Hong Jiang*, Monte-Carlo Simulations of Spin-Crossover Phenomena Based on a Vibronic Ising-like Model with Realistic Parameters, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 6801 (2015).
  37. Xiao Wang, Juan Yang, Ruoming Li, Hong Jiang* and Yan Li*Deformation of single-walled carbon nanotubes by interaction with graphene: A first-principles study, J. Comput. Chem.36, 717 (2015).
  38. Bin Yao, Fengkun, Chen, Hong Jiang, Jie Zhang, Xinhua Wan*,Isomer effect on the near-infrared electrochromism of anthraquinone imides, Electrochimica Acta 166, 73 (2015).
  39. Xin He, Yuechao Wang, Cai-Yan Gao, Hong Jiang and Liang Zhao*, A macrocycle-assisted nanoparticlization process for bulk Ag2S, Chem. Science 6, 654 (2015).
  40. Zhijian Wang, Zhiyong Ma, Zhenyu Zhang, Feng Wu,Hong Jiang and Xinru Jia*, Mechanical activation of a dithioester derivative-based retro RAFT-HDA reaction, Polym. Chem. 5, 6893 (2014).
  41. Ambroise van Roekeghem,Thomas Ayral,Jan M. Tomczak, Michele Casula,Nan Xu,Hong Ding,Michel Ferrero,Olivier Parcollet,Hong Jiang,and Silke Biermann,Dynamical correlations and screened exchange on the experimental bench: spectral properties of the cobalt pnictide BaCo2As2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 266403 (2014).
  42. Wei An, Feng Wu, Hong Jiang*, Guang-Shan Tian and Xin-Zheng Li*, Systematic investigation on topological properties of layered GaS and GaSe under strain, J. Chem. Phys.141, 084701 (2014).
  43. Yachao Zhang, Yang Yang and Hong Jiang*, 3dC4f Magnetic Interaction with Density Functional Theory plus U Approach: Local Coulomb Correlation and Exchange Pathways, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 13194 (2013).
  44. Hong Jiang* and Yu-Chen Shen,Ionization potentials of semiconductors from first-principles, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 164114 (2013).
  45. Fengkun Chen, Jie Zhang,Hong Jiang,Xinhua Wan*, Colorless to PurpleCRed Switching Electrochromic Anthraquinone Imides with Broad Visible/Near-IR Absorptions in the Radical Anion State: Simulation-Aided Molecular Design, Chem. Asia J. 8, 1497 (2013).
  46. Hong Jiang, Band Gaps from the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson Approach: a Systematic Investigation, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 134115 (2013) [33 citations].
  47. Ren-Zhong Li, Cheng-Wen Liu, Yi Qin Gao*, Hong Jiang*,Hong-Guang Xu, and Wei-Jun Zheng*, Microsolvation of LiI and CsI in Water: Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy and ab initio Calculations, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 5190 (2013).
  48. Zhen-Xing Li, Wei Xue, Bing-Tao Guan, Fu-Bo Shi, Zhang-Jie Shi*, Hong Jiang* and Chun-Hua Yan*, A conceptual translation of homogeneous catalysis into heterogeneous catalysis: homogeneous-like heterogeneous gold nanoparticle catalyst induced by ceria supporter, Nanoscale 5, 1213 (2013).
  49. Hong Jiang*, Ricardo I. Gomez-Abal, Xinzheng Li, Christian Meisenbichler, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, and Matthias Scheffler, FHI-gap: a GW code based on the All-electron augmented plane wave method, Computer Phys. Commun., 184, 348 (2013).
  50. Philipp Hansmann, Loig Vaugier, Hong Jiang and Silke Biermann, What about U on surfaces? Extended Hubbard models for adatom systems from first principles, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 094005 (2013).
  51. Shaohua Dong, Hongtao Zhang, Liu Yang, Meilin Bai, Yuan Yao, Hongliang Chen, Lin Gan, Tieying Yang, Hong Jiang, Shimi Hou, Lijun Wan, Xuefeng Guo*, Solution-Crystallized Organic Semiconductors with High Carrier Mobility and Air Stability, Adv. Mater. 24, 5576 (2012).
  52. Loig Vaugier, Hong Jiang and Silke Biermann, Hubbard U and Hund's exchange J in transition metal oxides: screening vs localization tends from constrained random phase approximation, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165105 (2012) [57 citations]
  53. Hong Jiang, Patrick Rinke and Matthias Scheffler, Electronic properties of lanthanide oxides from the GW perspective, Phys. Rev. B 86, 125115 (2012) [31 citations].
  54. Hong Jiang, The band gap problem: the state of the art of first-principles electronic band structure theory (in Chinese), Prog. in Chem. (ѧչ) 24, 910 (2012).
  55. Hong Jiang, Electronic Band Structures of Molybdenum and Tungsten Dichalcogenides by the GW Approach, J. Phys. Chem. C 116,7664-7671 (2012)[83 citations].
  56. Xin-Zheng Li, Ricardo Gomez-Abal, Hong Jiang, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, and Matthias Scheffler, Impact of widely used approximations to the G0W0 method: an all-electron perspectiv, New J. Phys.14, 023006 (2012).
  57. Hong Jiang, Electronic band structure from first-principles Greens function approach: theory and implementations (Invited Review), Frontiers of Chemistry in China 6,253 (2011).
  58. Yachao Zhang, and Hong Jiang*, Intra- and Interatomic Spin Interactions by the Density Functional Theory plus U Approach: A Critical Assessment, J.Chem.Theory Comput. 7, 2795 (2011).
  59. Huihui Wang, Feng Wu and Hong Jiang*, Electronic band structures of ATaO3(A=Li, Na and K) from first-principles many-body theory, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 16180 (2011).
  60. Hong Jiang, Structural and electronic properties of ZrX2 and HfX2(X=S, and Se) from first principles calculations, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 204705 (2011)[JCP Editor's Choice 2011,24 citations].
  61. Hong Jiang , Ricardo I. Gomez-Abal, Patrick Rinke, and Matthias Scheffler, First-principles modeling of localized d states with the GW@LDA+U approach, Phys. Rev. B 82, 045108 (2010)[97 citations].
  62. Hong Jiang, Ricardo I. Gomez-Abal, Patrick Rinke, and Matthias Scheffler, Quasiparticle Electronic Band Structure of Zirconia and Hafnia Polymorphs, Phys. Rev. B 81, 085119 (2010)[65 citations].
  63. Hong Jiang, The GW Method: Basic Principles, Latest Developments and Its Applications for d-and f-Electron Systems (Invited Review), Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 26, 1017 (2010).
  64. Hong Jiang and Eberhard Engel, Orbital-dependent representation of correlation energy functional, Z. Phys. Chem. 224, 455 (2010).
  65. Hong Jiang , Ricardo I. Gomez-Abal, Patrick Rinke, and Matthias Scheffler, Localized and itinerant states in lanthanide oxides united by GW@LDA+U, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 126403 (2009)[88 citations].
  66. A. D. Guclu, C. J. Umrigar, Hong Jiang, and Harold U. Baranger, Localization in an inhomogeneous quantum wire, Phys. Rev. B 80, 201302(R) (2009).
  67. Hong Jiang and Eberhard Engel, Random-phase-approximation-based correlation energy functionals: Benchmark results for atoms, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 184108 (2007)[51 citations].
  68. Hong Jiang and Eberhard Engel, Kohn-Sham Perturbation Theory: Simple Solution to Variational Instability of Second Order Correlation Energy Functional, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 184108 (2006).
  69. Eberhard Engel and Hong Jiang Orbital-dependent representation of the correlation energy functional: Properties of second order Kohn-Sham perturbation expansion, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 106, 3242 (2006).
  70. Hong Jiang and Eberhard Engel, Second Order Kohn-Sham Perturbation Theory: Correlation Potential for Atoms in a Cavity, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 224102 (2005)[49 citations].
  71. Eberhard Engel and Hong Jiang, Solubility of the OPM integral equation for finite systems, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052503 (2005).
  72. Amit Ghosal, C. J. Umrigar, Hong Jiang, Denis Ullmo and Harold U.Baranger, Interaction Effects in Irregular Quantum Dots: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study, Phys. Rev. B 71, 241306(R) (2005).
  73. Denis Ullmo, Hong Jiang, Weitao Yang and Harold U. Baranger, Interactions and Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry in Chaotic Quantum Dots, Phys. Rev. B 71, 201310(R) (2005).
  74. Hong Jiang, Ullmo Denis, Weitao Yang and Harold U. Baranger, Scrambling and Gate Effects in Realistic Quantum Dots, Phys. Rev. B 71, 085313 (2005).
  75. Denis Ullmo, Hong Jiang, Weitao Yang and Harold U. Baranger, Landau Fermi-liquid picture of spin density functional theory: Strutinsky approach to quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 70, 205309 (2004).
  76. Hong Jiang, Weitao Yang, Conjugate-gradient optimization method for orbital-free density functional calculations, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 2030 (2004).
  77. Hong Jiang, Ullmo Denis, Weitao Yang and Harold U. Baranger, Electron-Electron Interactions in Isolated and Realistic Quantum Dots: A Density Functional Theory Study, Phys. Rev. B 69, 235326 (2004).
  78. Hong Jiang, Harold U. Baranger and Weitao Yang, Density-functional theory simulation of large quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 68, 165337 (2003).
  79. Hong Jiang, Harold U. Baranger and Weitao Yang, Spin and Conductance-Peak-Spacing Distributions in Large Quantum Dots:A Density Functional Theory Study, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 026806 (2003).
  80. Hong Jiang, Xin Sheng Zhao, New propagators for quantum-classical molecular dynamics simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 113,930 (2000).
  81. Hong Jiang, Xin Sheng Zhao, Proposals for the propagation of quantum time-dependent self-consistent field equations, Chem. Phys. Lett. 319, 555 (2000).


  1. Hong Jiang, Towards first-principles approaches to strongly correlated d- and f-electron materials, The 5-th Conference on Condensed Matter Physics Liyang, China, June 27-30 (2019).
  2. Hong Jiang, First-principles study of configurationally disordered semiconductors, Symposium on Electronic Structure and Dynamics of Complex Systems, Beijing, April 25-28 (2019).
  3. Hong Jiang, Numerically Accurate GW Approach to Electronic Band Structure of Weakly and Strongly Correlated Materials, IAS Focused Program on Quantum Simulations: From Chemistry to Materials Science HKUST, Dec. 17-21 (2018).
  4. Hong Jiang, Towards first-principles approaches to strongly correlated materials, Exciting Shanghai School, Shanghai University, Nov 17 - Nov 22 (2018).
  5. Hong Jiang,Towards first-principles approaches to strongly correlated materials, ĽԺѧͼ㻯ѧ̳ Ĵ,ͣ1125-28(2018).
  6. Hong Jiang, Electronic excitations by time-dependent DFT and Bethe-Salpeter equation, Hands-On DFT and Beyond: Frontiers of Advanced Electronic Structure and Molecular Dynamics Methods Peking University, Beijing, China, July 30 - Aug 10, (2018).
  7. Honf Jiang, Numerically accurate GW approach to electronic band structure of materials, The 2018 International Conference on Multiscale Modeling & Simulation of Materials (ICM3-2018), Xian, China, July 1-3(2018).
  8. Hong Jiang, First-principles study of electronic band structure of semiconductor alloys, The 20th National Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics, Chengdu,July 12-15 (2018).
  9. Hong Jiang, Numerically accurate GW approach to electronic band structure of materials, Workshop on Excited States in Condensed Matter Physics, Hefei, China, June 8-10 (2018).
  10. Xi Xu and Hong Jiang, Frist-principles approaches to configurationally disordered semiconductors, 31th Chinese Chemical Society Congress, Hangzhou, China, May 5-8 (2018).
  11. Hong Jiang, Local correction approaches for first-principles description of strongly correlated materials, The 8-th Chinese Coordination Chemistry Conference, Dalian, China, July 19-23 (2017).
  12. Hong Jiang, First-principles prediction of band gaps by numerically accurate GW approach, The 3rd Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Shanghai, China, June 24-27 (2017).
  13. Hong Jiang, Numerically accurate GW method for d/f-electron systems (invited), The 13th National Conference of Quantum Chemistry, Dalian, China, June 09-11 (2017).
  14. Hong Jiang, First-principles approaches to electronic band structure of materials, Department of Chemistry, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, May 15 (2017).
  15. Hong Jiang, The ZnO Band Gap Problem by GW with LAPW+HLOs and General Implications, Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, April 26 (2017).
  16. Hong Jiang, Numerically accurate GW calculations based on LAPW+HLOs (invited), The 10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10), Macao SAR, China, Jan 16-20(2017).
  17. Yue-Chao Wang and Hong Jiang, Local correction approaches for first-principles study of strongly correlated systems(invited), The 10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10), Macao SAR, China, Jan 16-20(2017).
  18. Hong Jiang, Towards First-Principles Approaches for Strongly Correlated Systems (invited), The 7th Cross-strait Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference (CTCC-7), Changsha, Oct. 14-18 (2016).
  19. Hong Jiang, Towards first-principles approaches for strongly correlated materials, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, Oct. 10 (2016).
  20. Hong Jiang, Towards 1st -principles approaches to electronic band structure of complex materials (invited), 2016 International Workshop on Frontiers of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Chemistry, Nanchang, Aug 12-14 (2016).
  21. Hong Jiang, Towards first-principles approaches to electronic band structure of complex materials (invited), International Conference on Algorithms and Applications for Excited State Electronic Structure Theories, Beijing, Aug. 8-10 (2016).
  22. Hong Jiang, GW with LAPW+HLOs: Challenges for Numerically Accurate GW Calculations (invited), The 1st USTC-FHI workshop on the Frontiers of Advanced Electronic Structure Methods, Hefei,, June 14-18, (2016).
  23. Hong Jiang, Strongly correlated systems from first-principlesLDA+U, constrained-RPA and beyond (invited), 2015 Miniworkshop on Computational Physics, Beihai, Guangxi, China, Dec. 20-21 (2015).
  24. Hong Jiang, GW with linearized augmented planewaves extended by high-energy local orbitals (invited), Workshop on Computational Quantum Systems, Shanghai, China, Dec. 18-20 (2015).
  25. Hong Jiang, Greens function theory for solid state electronic band structure (invited), Asian Winter School in Quantum Chemistry, Hong Kong, Dec. 07-11 (2015).
  26. Hong Jiang, Strongly correlated systems from first-principlesLDA+U, constrained-RPA and beyond (invited), 2015 International Workshop on Frontiers of Theoretical and Computational Physics and ChemistryXi'An, China, Oct. 10-12 (2015)
  27. Hong Jiang, First-principles determination of Ionization potentials of semiconductors from the GW perspective (invited), 2015 Condensed Matter Physics Conference, Beijing, China, July 14-17 (2015).
  28. Hong Jiang, Towards first-principles treatment of strongly correlated systems: LDA+U and beyond (invited), CJK-WTCC-II, Kobe, Japan, Jan. 20-23 (2015).
  29. Hong Jiang, Density functional theory plus the Hubbard U correction: anisotropy, local projection and first-principles determination of U (invited), IWCSE 2014, Hong Kong, Dec 13-15 (2014).
  30. Hong Jiang, First-principles approaches for ionization potentials of semiconductors (invited), International Conference on Theoretical and High Performance Computational Chemistry 2014, Beijing, Sept. 14-18 (2014).
  31. Hong Jiang, First-principles approaches for ionization potentials of semiconductors (invited), 12th National Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Taiyuan, Shanxi, June 12-15, (2014).
  32. Hong Jiang, Electronic band structures of d- and f-electrons systems from the GW perspective, Department of Physics, Technische Universitat Wien, Sept. 25 (2013).
  33. Hong Jiang, First-principles modelling of molecular magnetic materials (invited)Symposium on Frontiers of Molecular Magnetism, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Sept. 17-19 (2013).
  34. Hong Jiang, Molecular magnetic materials by density-functional theory plus the Hubbard U approach (invited), 7th Chinese Coordination Chemistry Conference, Beijing, July 28-31 (2013).
  35. Hong Jiang, Towards Rational Design of Solar Materials: Electronic Band Structures from the GW Perspective (invited), Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, Dec 20 (2012).
  36. Hong Jiang, Towards first-principles studies of molecular magnetic materials by density-functional approximation plus the Hubbard U approach (invited), Workshop on Computational Methods for Complex Systems, Hong Kong, Dec 8-11(2012).
  37. Hong Jiang, Electronic Band Structure of Materials for Solar Energy Conversion from the GW Perspective (invited), ACS 2012 Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Aug. 19-23 (2012).
  38. Hong Jiang, Electronic Band Structure of Materials for Solar Energy Conversion from the GW Perspective (invited)Forum for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Guangzhou, Aug. 4-5 (2012).
  39. Hong Jiang, First-principles studies of molecular magnetic materials by density-functional theory plus the Hubbard U approach (invited), 2012 Int. Symposium on Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation of Materials, Beijing, China, July 4-7 (2012).
  40. Hong Jiang, First-principles approaches for absolute band positions of solids (invited), 28th Chinese Chemical Society Congress, Chengdu, SichuanApril 12-16 (2012).
  41. Hong Jiang, Magnetic interactions by the DFA+U approach (invited), ACS 2012, San Diego, CA, March 24-29 (2012).
  42. Hong Jiang, Absolute band positions of extended systems from the 1st-principles perspective (invited), 2011 Beijing-Hong Kong Symposium for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, Dec. 17-18 (2011).
  43. Hong Jiang, Towards 1st-principles electronic band structure theory for solar energy conversion materials(invited), Sino-German Symposium 2011, Semiconductor nano-devices and their applications in optoelectronics and bio-/chemical sensors, Suzhou, China, Oct. 16-19(2011).
  44. Hong Jiang, Electronic band structures of d- and f-electrons systems from the GW perspective (invited) , CECAM Workshop "Strong Correlation from first-principles", Kloster Seeon, Germany, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, (2011).
  45. Hong Jiang,Towards 1st-principles electronic band structure theory for solar energy conversion materials (invited), International Conference on Theoretical and High-Performance Computational Chemistry 2011, Xihan, China, Aug. 11-14 (2011).
  46. Hong Jiang,First-principles electronic band structure theory for solar energy conversion materials,CMRS International Symposium on Multiscale Materials Modelling, Shanghai,China, July 4-7 (2011).
  47. Hong Jiang , First-principles electronic band structure theory and its application to solar energy conversion materials (invited), The 11th National Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Hefei, China, May 27-30 (2011).
  48. Hong Jiang, Electronic band structures of d- and f-electrons from the GW perspective (invited), 1st Int. Symposium on Computational Sciences “Quantum Simulations for Material and Biological Systems”, Shanghai, China, April 18-21 (2011).
  49. Hong Jiang, First-principles electronic-bandstructure theory for solar energy conversion materials (invited), 2010 Workshop on Frontiers of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Chemistry, Xiamen, China, Dec 18-21 (2010).
  50. Hong Jiang, First-principles many-body perturbation theory for d- and f-electron systems (invited), International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 2010: High Performance Computing Simulations, Harbin, China, Dec 5-7 (2010),
  51. Hong Jiang, d- and f-electron systems from the GW perspective (invited talk), Psi-k Conference, Berlin, Germany (2010).
  52. Hong Jiang, The Band Gap Problem: Density-Functional Theory and vs Green-Function Theory (invited talk), Jinlin University Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Changchun, China, Aug. 22-27, 2010.
  53. Hong Jiang, Meet the f-electron challenge from the GW perspective (invited talk), ICTCLS’10, Nandaihe, Aug. 7-10 (2010).
  54. Hong Jiang, Localized and Itinerant d- and f-states Unified by GW@LDA+U (invited talk), DPG Spring Meeting Symposium "Theoretical Spectroscopy:  density functional theory and beyond for real materials", Regensburg, Germany, March 24-26 (2010).
  55. Hong Jiang, Localized and itinerant d- and f-states united by GW@LDA+U (invited talk), Psi-k workshop “Computer Simulation of Oxides”, Trinity College Dublin, Sept. 9-11, 2009.