Huaiqing Cao (grad12)

Huaiqing Cao

Physical Chemistry, Peking University
in the group as an Unvergraduate during 2010.9-2012.7, and as a Graduate during 2012.9-2017.7
Research Area: Binding property of intrinsically disordered proteins



2008.9-2012.7, B. Sc., Colledge of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

2012.9-2017.7, Ph. D., Colledge of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

2017.8-????, postdoctor, ShanghaiTech University

???-???, associate professor in Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology



1. Miao Yu, Xiaomin Ma, Huaiqing Cao, Bin Chong, Luhua Lai, and Zhirong Liu. Singular value decomposition for the correlation of atomic fluctuations with arbitrary angle. Proteins: Struct. Funct. Bioinform. 86 (10), 1075-1087 (2018).

2. Maodong Li, Huaiqing Cao, Luhua Lai, and Zhirong Liu. Disordered linkers in mutli-domain allosteric proteins: entropic effect to favor the open state or enhanced local concentration to favor the closed state? Protein Sci. 27 (9), 1600-1610 (2018).

3. Huaiqing Cao, Yongqi Huang, and Zhirong Liu. Interplay between binding affinity and kinetics in protein-protein interactions. Proteins: Struct. Funct. Bioinform. 84 (7), 920-933 (2016).

4. Yugang Zhang, Huaiqing Cao, and Zhirong Liu. Binding cavities and druggability of intrinsically disordered proteins. Protein Sci. 24 (5), 688-705 (2015).  (cover paper)

5. Yongqi Huang, Huaiqing Cao, and Zhirong Liu. Three-Dimensional Domain Swapping in the Protein Structure Space. Proteins: Struct. Funct. Bioinform. 80 (6), 1610-1619 (2012).



1. Huaiqing Cao, Haifeng Lang. The 2nd National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems & the 7th Cross Strait Conference on Statistical Physics (Satellite Conference of StatPhys25, IUPAP), Qufu, Shandong, China. July 27-31, 2013.

2. Huaiqing Cao, Zhirong Liu. Binding-unbinding process of intrinsically disordered proteins. Poster. The 29th Chinese Chemical Society, Beijing, China, 2014.8.4-7.

3. Huaiqing Cao, Zhirong Liu. Interplay between affinity and kinetics in protein-protein interactions. Poster. The 13th National Symposium of Computer & Computational Chemistry, Guangzhou, China. 2015.11.19-22.

4. Huaiqing Cao, Zhirong Liu. Interplay between binding affinity and kinetics in protein–protein interactions. Poster. The 30th Chinese Chemical Society, Dalian, Liaoning, China, 2016.6.30-7.4.



1. Best Poster Award of 15th Meeting of The 29th Chinese Chemical Society (2014).

2. Graduate student scholarship, Peking University (2014).

3. Chu-Ling scholarship, Peking University (2015).

4. Graduate student scholarship, Peking University (2016).

5. Graduate student scholarship of Quantitative Biology,second class, Peking University (2016).



Computer, Astronomy, History, Mythology, Zen, Anime