Welcome Prof. Marisa Kozlowski Visit Our Group

      On the afternoon of October 11th, Prof. Marisa Kozlowski from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States visited Peking University, upon the invitation of Prof. Xi and Prof. Zhang. In the CB101 meeting room, she delivered an outstanding academic presentation to us. Prof. Marisa Kozlowski received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1994. From 1995 to 1997, she conducted research in asymmetric catalysis in the laboratory of Prof. David A. Evans at Harvard University. She currently holds the position of Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania and has been serving as the Editor-In-Chief of the famous chemistry journal, 'Organic Letters,' since 2021. Her primary research focus is on developing new organic synthesis methods and catalyst design.

      The title of her presentation was "Oxygen Driven Fragment Coupling for the Synthesis of Natural Products and Antibacterials." During the presentation, she shared her recent research progress and achievements, emphasizing their significant applications in the synthesis of natural products and pharmaceuticals. After an informative presentation, she posed for a group photo with us and proceeded to engage in scientific discussions in the CB105 meeting room. We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Marisa Kozlowski for her outstanding academic presentation!