Welcome Prof. Shubin Liu Visit Our Group

      On the morning of October 25th, Prof. Shubin Liu from the University of North Carolina, USA, visited Peking University's College of Chemistry upon the invitation of Prof. Zhang. He delivered an excellent academic presentation in Meeting Room A717. Prof. Liu obtained his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1996 under the guidance of the renowned quantum chemist, Prof. Robert G. Parr. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of North Carolina and Duke University from 1996 to 2000. Since 2000, he has been affiliated with the University of North Carolina's Supercomputing Center and Solar Research Center. His research focuses on the development and application of Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Density Functional Reactivity Theory (DFRT) in materials and biological systems.

      The title of his presentation was 'Computational Chemistry in a Nutshell.' Given that many of the attendees were students and researchers with an experimental background, Prof. Liu divided his presentation into three parts. He introduced the fundamental concepts of computational chemistry, its applications in experiments, and his own extensive research on the DFRT. He masterfully combined complex computational chemistry concepts with practical examples, making the presentation highly informative and accessible. After the hour-long presentation, the audience engaged in a lively academic exchange with Prof. Liu, providing a stimulating discussion. The collision of ideas and academic 'battle' left the audience greatly enriched.

      Finally, he took a group photo with faculty and students and, led by Prof. Zhang, visited the laboratories. The visit concluded with appreciation for Prof. Liu's insightful presentation and his visit to the College of Chemistry.