Research News, Apr 28th, 2011


Palladium-catalyzed Synthesis of Benzosilolo[2,3-b]indoles
via Cleavage of C(sp3)-Si Bond and Consequent Intramolecular C(sp2)-Si Coupling
Yun Liang, Shaoguang Zhang, and Zhenfeng Xi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, DOI: 10.1021/ja2024959
An efficient Pd-catalyzed selective cleavage of C(sp3)-Si bond and consequent intramolecular C(sp2)-Si coupling process was developed. Benzosilolo[2,3-b]indoles as a new type of silicon-bridged polyheteroarenes were synthesized in excellent yields. Aldehyde was found, as the first time, to be able to remarkably promote the efficiency of the catalytic process.
Since trialkyl C(sp3)-Si bonds are frequently encountered, their efficient selective cleavage and further synthetic applications are very attractive for both mechanistic study and synthetic chemistry.
许多化合物中含有三烷基硅取代基,如SiMe3。因此,烷基C(sp3)-Si键是常见的化学键。实现过渡金属催化的选择性切断该类化学键,从化学反应机理研究和合成应用研究都具有重要意义。本工作利用钯配合物为催化剂,通过选择性切断C(sp3)-Si键和进一步的分子内C(sp2)-Si偶联,合成了一类结构新颖的苯并噻咯吲哚杂环化合物 (Benzosilolo[2,3-b]indoles)。值得强调的是,该工作首次发现醛可以有效地促进该类催化反应的催化效率,并对作用机制进行了初步研究。预期该发现也可以应用于提高其它催化反应的催化效率。