
Papers Published Before 1998


100 Isolation, Structural Characterization and Synthetic Application of Oxy-cyclopentadienyl Dianions

Lantao Liu, Wen-Xiong Zhang, Chao Wang, Congyang Wang, and Zhenfeng Xi*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed200948, 8111-8114.


Paper #100


99   Zirconium- and Silicon-Containing Intermediates with Three Fused Rings in a Zirconocene-Mediated Intermolecular Coupling Reaction

Wen-Xiong Zhang, Shaoguang Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Masayoshi Nishiura, Zhaomin Hou,* and Zhenfeng Xi*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed200948, 7227-7231.


Paper #99


98   Hydride-Induced Cleavage of C-O Bond in Pyran Ring of 2-Pyranylidene Carbene Complexes Followed by Ring Closure of Unsaturated Acylmetalates and Reductive Elimination: Mechanism and Synthetic Application

Qifeng Wang, Lantao Liu, Chen Lin, Hui Sun, Wenxiong Zhang,

and Zhenfeng Xi *

Dalton Trans200910433-10435..

Paper #98


97   Ruthenium Catalysts for Structurally Controlled Mono- and Bis-Allylation of

Active Methylene Compounds with Aliphatic Allylic Substrates

Hui-Jun Zhang, Bernard Demerseman, Zhenfeng Xi,* and Christian Bruneau*

       Adv. Synth. Catal2009351(16), 2724-2728.

Paper #97


96   Formation of α-Lithio Siloles from Silylated 1,4-Dilithio-1,3-butadienes: Mechanism and Applications

Qian Luo, Chao Wang,Li Gu, Wen-Xiong Zhang and Zhenfeng Xi*

Chem. Asian J20105, 1120-1128.

Paper #96


95   Hydride-induced Novel Cyclization of Dienedinitriles Leading to Multi-functionalized Cyclopentadienes

Hui-jun Zhang, Tianhao Meng, Bernard Demerseman, Christian Bruneau*, and Zhenfeng Xi*
Org. Lett200911, 4458-4461.


Paper #95


94   协同效应:双金属有机化合物及Lewis酸促进的金属有机化学反应

中国科学B辑:化学200939, 1115-1124.(国庆六十周年专辑邀请评述)
Paper #94




王奇峰   林辰   席振峰
有机化学(综述与进展) 201030(2), 157-166.
Paper #93


92   Synthesis of functionalized siloles from Si-tethered diynes

Qian Luo, Li Gu, Chao Wang, Junhui Liu, Wenxiong Zhang and Zhenfeng Xi
Tetrahedron Lett200950, 3213-3215.(创刊五十周年邀请论文)

Paper #92


91   Ruthenium-Catalyzed Nucleophilic Allylic Substitution Reactions from β-Silylated Allylic Carbonates

Hui-Jun Zhang, Bernard Demerseman, Loic Toupet, Zhenfeng Xi,* and Christian Bruneau*

Organometallics 200928, 5173-5182


Paper #91


90   Alkyl Aluminum Catalyzed Addition of Amines to Carbodiimides: A Highly Efficient Route to Substituted Guanidines

Wen-Xiong Zhang,* Dongzhen Li, Zitao Wang, and Zhenfeng Xi*

Organometallic 200928, 882-887.

Paper #90


89   Star-shaped Silacyclobutene-Containing π-Systems: Synthesis and Optical Properties

Junhui Liu, Shaoguang Zhang, Wenxiong Zhang, and Zhenfeng Xi*

Organometallic 200928, 413-417.

Paper #89


88   硅杂六元环化合物的反应*

张韶光    刘俊辉    张文雄    席振峰*
化学进展 2009121487-1493.
Paper #88


 87   硅杂六元环化合物的合成

刘俊辉    张韶光    张文雄    席振峰


Paper #87


86   硅杂四元环化合物的合成和反应

刘俊辉    张文雄    席振峰
Paper #86


Fei Zhao, Chao Wang, Lantao Liu, Wen-Xiong Zhang, and Zhenfeng Xi*

Chem. Commun2009accepted.


Paper #85


84   Zirconocene-Mediated Ligand-Switched Selective Cleavage of Active and Inert Carbon-Carbon Bonds in Allylcyclopropanes

Chao Wang, Liang Deng, Jun Yan, Hailin Wang, Qian Luo and Zhenfeng Xi*

Chem. Commun2009, 4414-4416.

Paper #84


83   1-Lithio-1,3-dienes as Useful Building Blocks in Organic Synthesis

       Wen-Xiong Zhang and Zhenfeng Xi*

       Pure and Applied Chemistry (account), 200981, 235-246.

Paper #83


82. Cationic Scandium Allyl Complexes Bearing Mono(cyclopentadienyl) Ligands: Synthesis, Novel Structural Variety, and Olefin-Polymerization Catalysis

Nan Yu, Masayoshi Nishiura, Xiaofang Li, Zhenfeng Xi, Zhaomin Hou

Chem. Asian. J. 2008, 8-9, 1406-1414

Paper #82



81. Stable Enols and Their Synthetic Methodologies

Qiaoshu Hu, Zhenfeng Xi

有机化学(Chin. J. Org. Chem.), 2008, 11, 1864

Paper #81
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