Solid-State Chemistry and Photophysics of Hybrid Materials

Welcome to the Hybrid Materials Research Group website! Our research interest is to search for new organic-inorganic hybrid materials, to understand and control their properties, and to develop photonic and quantum devices from these materials. We use a variety of crystallographic and spectroscopic techniques to study these questions, including single crystal X-ray diffraction, electrical measurement, and time- and space-resolved optical spectroscopy. Please explore our website for more details.

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(67)Pressure-modulated anomalous organic-inorganic interactions enhance structural distortion and second-harmonic generation in MHyPbBr3 perovskite

Yuhong Mao, Songhao Guo, Xu Huang, Kejun Bu, Zhongyang Li, Phuong Nguyen, Gang Liu, Qingyang Hu, Dongzhou Zhang, Yongping Fu, Wenge Yang*, Xujie Lü*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023

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(66) Optical bandgap anomaly with tuning dimensionality in germanium iodide perovskites: interplay between quantum confinement and lone pair expression

Xinyu Li, Yu Tao, Xiaofan Jiang, Guanqun Cai, Jiazhen Gu, Nanlong Zheng, Yan Guan, Wenkai Zhang, Xiaotong Li, Zhiwei Liu, Zuqiang Bian, Junliang Sun, Chen Li*, and Yongping Fu*, Chem, 2023 (in revision)

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(65) Broadband emission originating from the stereochemical expression of 6s2 lone pairs in two-dimensional lead bromide perovskites5

Xiaofan Jiang, Yu Tao, Jiazhen Gu, Leyang Jin, Chen Li, Wenkai Zhang* and Yongping Fu* Dalton Transactions, 2023, (New Talent: Asia-Pacific)

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(64)Correlating Photophysical Properties with Stereochemical Expression of 6s2 Lone Pairs in Two-dimensional Lead Halide Perovskites

Jiazhen Gu, Yu Tao, Tonghuan Fu, Songhao Guo, Xiaofan Jiang, Dr. Yan Guan, Dr. Xiaotong Li, Dr. Chen Li, Prof. Xujie Lü, Dr. Yongping Fu*
Angewandte Chemie, 2023,

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(63) Chirality-Dependent Structural Transformation in Chiral 2D Perovskites under High Pressure

Meng-En Sun, Yonggang Wang, Fei Wang, Jiangang Feng, Lingrui Wang, Hanfei Gao, Gaosong Chen*, Jiazhen Gu, Yongping Fu, Kejun Bu, Tonghuan Fu, Junlong Li, Xujie Lü, Lei Jiang, Yuchen Wu*, and Shuang-Quan Zang*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023

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Congratulations to 2019 undergraduate students Zhang Meng and Qi Lin for their graduation!

2023Fu lab spring outing!

Group outing on April 8th!

Enjoying cherry blossoms, eating pizza, and playing board games in Yuyuantan Park!

July 5 2022

Our first experimental paper came out at JACS

Our work on understanding electron-phonon interactions and lone pair effects in 3D lead halide perovskites is published at JACS. Congratulations to Xu Huang! View online