


张文雄200710月从日本理化学研究所回到大阳城8722化学与分子工程公司有机所工作,任副教授,在席振峰院士课题组开展科研工作,2016年晋升为教授,2017年获得国家杰出青年科学基金。通过国际评估等程序,20211始,在大阳城8722大阳城8722无机所建立稀土金属有机化学课题组英文名称Chemistry of Carbon˗Rare Earth Metals简称:CCREM课题组)任课题组长/PICCREM课题组秉承CCREM (Confidence/自信Cooperation/协同Renovation/创新Enthusiasm/激情Mission/担当)文化和协同管理理念本课题组围绕高活性稀土金属有机杂环的合成、结构表征、成键模式及对小分子的活化和反应机理开展系列研究:首次实现了稀土金属杂环戊二烯高张力稀土金属杂环丙烯双钐杂环戊烯的高效合成实现了稀土金属有机杂环双金属试剂促进的白磷出发直接构建有机膦化合物;发现了首例稀土金属休克尔芳香性化合物。在工作基础上,拟开展:1避开传统的氯化路线,建立简单、高效的白磷活化方法直接构建有机膦化合物2)新的稀土金属有机杂环的合成并研究与小分子,如白磷,COCO2,氧气等的反应性和催化活性。





(*: Corresponding author, #: Authors contributed equally)

  1. Ze-Jie Lv, Zhengqi Chai, Miaomiao Zhu, Junnian Wei, and Wen-Xiong Zhang*, Selective Coupling of Lanthanide Metallacyclopropenes and Nitriles via Azametallacyclopentadiene and η2-Pyrimidine Metallacycle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 9151-9161.
  2. Yu Zheng,# Chang-Su Cao,# Wangyang Ma,# Tianyang Chen, Botao Wu, Chao Yu, Zhe Huang, Jianhao Yin, Han-Shi Hu*, Jun Li, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi, 2-Butene Tetraanion Bridged Dinuclear Samarium(III) Complexes via Sm(II)-Mediated Reduction of Electron-Rich Olefins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 10705-10714.
  3. Nan Li,# Botao Wu,# Chao Yu, Tianyu Li, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi*, Trishomoaromatic (B3N3Ph6) Dianion: Characterization and Two-Electron Reduction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 8868-8872.
  4. Ze-Jie Lv, Zhe Huang, Jinghang Shen, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi, Well-Defined Scandacyclopropenes: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 20547-20555.
  5. Ze-Jie Lv, Zhe Huang, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi*, Scandium-Promoted Direct Conversion of Dinitrogen into Hydrazine Derivatives via N-C Bond Formation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8773-8777.
  6. Shanshan Du,# Jimin Yang,# Jingyuan Hu, Zhengqi Chai, Gen Luo, Yi Luo, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi, Direct Functionalization of White Phosphorus to Cyclotetraphosphanes: Selective Formation of Four P−C Bonds, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 6843-6847.
  7. Shanshan Du, Jianhao Yin, Yue Chi, Ling Xu, and Wen-Xiong Zhang*, Dual Functionalization of White Phosphorus: Formation, Characterization, and Reactivity of Rare-Earth-Metal Cyclo-P3 Complexes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15886-15890.
  8. Wangyang Ma, Chao Yu, Yue Chi, Tianyang Chen, Lianjun Wang, Jianhao Yin, Baosheng Wei, Ling Xu, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi, Formation and Ligand-Based Reductive Chemistry of Bridged Bis-alkylidene Scandium(III) Complexes, Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 6852-6856.
  9. Wangyang Ma,# Chao Yu,# Tianyang Chen,# Ling Xu, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi, Metallacyclopentadienes: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 1160-1192.
  10. Ling Xu, Yue Chi, Shanshan Du, Wen-Xiong Zhang*, and Zhenfeng Xi, Direct Synthesis of Phospholyl Lithium from White Phosphorus, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 9187-9190.