• Aug .25, 2009
    Prof. Bo Huang , Prof. Bo Huang, : Seeing the unseen with super-resolution fluorescence microscopy on August 31  More>>
  • Jul .10, 2009
    Prof. Liming Ying , Imperial College, UK , will give a lecture entitled: : Seeing is Believing: Single Molecule Fluorescence Approaches to Biology and Medicine on July 15  More>>
  • Jul .07, 2009
    Pro. Zhen Huang , Georgia State University, will give a talk entitled: : Synthesis of Selenium-derivatized Nucleic Acids (SeNA) for 3D Crystal Structure and Function Studies on July 7.  More>>
  • Jun .17, 2009
    Pro. Bifeng Liu , Huazhong University of Science and Technology , will give a lecture entitiled : Microfluidic chip: next-generation analytical approach towards systems biology on June 23  More>>
  • Feb .15, 2009
    Dr. FangWei , UCLA , will give a talk entitiled : Point-of-care (POC) biosensors for high impact human disease on February 17  More>>
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