• Oct .09, 2008
    Dr. Lisa L. Huang , DuPont CR&D , will give a lecture entitiled : Renewable Production of Industrial Chemicals through Biotechnology on October 17  More>>
  • Sep .08, 2008
    Prof. Yong Chen , UCLA , will present a talk entitiled : Biomolecular nanopatterning and optical nanosensor on September 12  More>>
  • Sep .08, 2008
    Dr. Peng Chen , Scripps Research Institute , will give a talk entitiled : Exploring the Frontier at the Chemistry-Biology Interface on September 30  More>>
  • Aug .07, 2008
    Prof. Sunney X. Xie , Harvard University , will present a talk entitiled : Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy: Chemical Imaging for Biology and Medicine on August 13.  More>>
  • Jun .23, 2008
    Prof. Chris Dobson , University of Cambridge , will give a lecture: : Life on the Edge: the Nature and Origins of Protein Misfolding Diseases on June 28  More>>
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