• Jun .09, 2008
    Prof. Wenshe Liu , Texas A&M University , will present a talk entitiled : Artificial Organisms with A 21st Amino Acid on June 11  More>>
  • Mar .25, 2008
    Dr. Guobin Luo , Harvard University , will present a talk entitiled : Probing protein motions on different length scales at the single-molecule level on April 1  More>>
  • Feb .26, 2008
    Prof. H. Peter Lu , Bowling Green State University , will give a lecture: : Single-Molecule Spectroscopy and Modern Photochemical Research on March 3.  More>>
  • Dec .08, 2007
    Dr. Aixin Yan , University of Wisconsin at Madison , will present a talk entitiled : An Undecaprenyl Phosphate-Sugar Flippase Required for Polymyxin Resistance in E-coli on December 14  More>>
  • Sep .06, 2007
    Dr. Jiangyun Wang , he Scripps Research Institute, will give a lecture: : Expanding the Genetic Code: Enrich Life with Chemistry on September 17  More>>
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