• Apr .14, 2006
    Dr. Shoufa Han , The Scripps Research Institute, USA will present a talk entitiled : Sweet Probes for studies of glycan-protein interactions: a case study of CD22 function in B cells on April 20  More>>
  • Jun .08, 2005
    Prof. Zhen Huang , Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, USA will present a talk entitiled : 1. Selenium Derivatization of DNAs and RNAs for Nucleic Acid X-ray Crystallography 2. RNA Microchip Development for Gene Expression Profiling on June 10.  More>>
  • May .13, 2005
    Prof. Tim Lian , Department of Chemistry, Emory University, USA, will present a talk entitiled : Photoinduced electron transfer across single molecule-nanoparticle junctions on May 18  More>>
  • Apr .05, 2005
    Dr. An-Chi Yu , from Department of Physics, North-Eastern Univ., USA, will present a talk entitiled : Ligand Rebinding and Migration in Myoglobin on April 11.  More>>
  • Mar .30, 2005
    Dr. Xingyu Justin Jiang , from Dept. of Chem. & Chem. Biol. Harvard University, USA , will present a talk entitiled : Microtools for Biology on April 4.  More>>
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