• Mar .14, 2005
    Dr. Tracy Melvin , Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK , will present a talk entitiled : Optical biosensing on the Nano and Microscale on March 17  More>>
  • Oct .19, 2004
    Dr. Ying Liming , BBSRC David Phillips Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK, will present a talk entitiled : Watching and Manipulating Single Biomolecules on October 27  More>>
  • Sep .15, 2004
    Dr. Zhi Zheng , Genospectra Inc., USA will present a talk entitiled : Beyond Microarray: Multiplexed Biomolecular Detection with Microbeads, Nanocrystals and Branched-DNA Technology on September 20.  More>>
  • Sep .01, 2004
    Dr. Zhang Xiao Hu, Neurocrine Bioscience, San Diego, CA, USA will present a talk on September 6.  More>>
  • Jun .01, 2004
    Workshop on Single molecules and Single Cells will be held on June 24-26 by the Department  More>>
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