[PUBLICATIONS] Dr. Zhang Chong’s paper published in Chinese J. Polym. Sci.

Mar. 2022

In this work, we reviewed the state-of-the-art progresses of α-helical polypeptides for biomedical applications, with a special emphasis on the manipulation of helix-to-coil dynamic transition, conformation-associated anti-biofouling coatings, cellular uptake regulation, and reducing immunogenicity of polypeptide-protein conjugates. Well done, Zhang Chong!



[CONFERENCE] The Lu group in 2021 National Polymer Congress of China

September 2021            

Dr. Lu is a co-organizer of the Young Scholar Symposium and delivered an invited talk.

Dr. Wu, Dr. Xiong, and Dr. Tian each gave a poster.

Dr. Tian Ziyou received the RSC Polymer Chemistry Poster Prize

Ms. Lu Jianhua received the general Best Poster Prize.

Congratulations to all of them!

[Graduation] four group members graduated this summer

June. 2021

Dr. Hu Yali and Dr. Wang Hao, Class of 2016, successfully defended their PHD theses in May 30th and will join Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd.

Wang Gan and Zhou Haisen,  Class of 2017, received their B.S. in chemistry. Gan will pursue his Ph.D. in NTU at Sigapore and Haisen will continue his PHD research in our group.

Hearty congratulations to all of them!

[ACTIVITY] The 32nd CCS Congress

April. 2021

Dr. Xiong Wei, Dr. Wu Guangqi, Sun Jialing and Lu Jianhua attended the 32nd CCS Congress in Zhuhai!.    


[PUBLICATIONS] Hu Yali Publishes a Paper in Biomaterials

Dec. 2020

To mitigate the high immunogenicity of asparaginase (ASNase), we used rigid helical zwitterionic polypeptides to modify ASNase and formed an urchin-like conjugate.

This conjugate showed significantly reduced immunogenicity as compared to a similarly made PEG-ASNase conjugate.

This is a nice collaboration work with the Lymphoma team from Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute.
