[PUBLICATIONS] Hu Yali Publishes a Paper in Biomaterials

Dec. 2020

To mitigate the high immunogenicity of asparaginase (ASNase), we used rigid helical zwitterionic polypeptides to modify ASNase and formed an urchin-like conjugate.

This conjugate showed significantly reduced immunogenicity as compared to a similarly made PEG-ASNase conjugate.

This is a nice collaboration work with the Lymphoma team from Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute.


[Graduation] Wang Yaoyi defended his thesis

Dec. 2020

Congratulations to the newly minted PHD from our group. Dr. Wang developed several nanomedicines based on the biomimetic poly(L-phosphotyrosine). We wish him success in his next journey.

[ACTIVITY] Party time!

Sept. 2020

To celebrate the coming Moon Festival and National Day of China, our group switches to the party mood by doing BBQ, badminton, board games, karaoke, hiking, and of course drinking.    

Photos are available in our album, please check it out !!!

[AWARDS] Lu Jianhua was awarded ChemStar for excellence in graduate research

Sept. 2020

After two rounds of contests, Miss Lu Jianhua, a third-year graduate student in our group, was awarded the ChemStar, one of the most prestigious awards of CCME for outstanding graduate research.

This is the second student of our group to win this award and we expect more in the future.

Congratulations to her.

[Graduation] Guangqi Wu and Wei Xiong Thesis Defense

June, 2020.

Guangqi and Wei successfully passed the thesis defense on June 08th, 2020. Guangqi developed chemistry and materials applications for selenopolypetides, whereas Wei focused on stimuli-responsive polypeptides and polyesters.

Congratulations to the two newly minted doctors! Well-done!

Both Guangqi and Wei will continue their PHD research at PKU  as postdocs.

[Research] Dr. Zhang Chong’s work highlighted by NANOER.NET

April, 2020.

Dr. Zhang Chong's work on polypeptide orientation-governed cellular uptake, published in Nano Research in 2019, has been selected as one of the 81 most remarkable works published in the 16 domestic journals. Check out the collections and find our work as #21.

Page Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/j8_KIDmxJtSVXmWPO0pw_Q

PDF Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12274-019-2319-6

[PUBLICATIONS] Several collaborative papers published in 2020.

April, 2020.

Please check them out.

Collaboration work with Prof. Dehai Liang published in Soft Matter

Dongxiao Yin, Hao Wen, Guangqi Wu, Shaolu Li, Chenyang Liu, Hua Lu* and Dehai Liang*, "PEGylated gene carriers in serum under shear flow", Soft Matter, 2020, 16(9), 2301-2310.


Collaboration work with Prof. Qian Li published in Small

Zhilei Ge, Linjie Guo, Guangqi Wu, Jiang Li, Yunlong Sun, Yingqin Hou, Jiye Shi, Shiping Song, Lihua Wang, Chunhai Fan, Hua Lu* and Qian Li*, "DNA Origami-Enabled Engineering of Ligand–Drug Conjugates for Targeted Drug Delivery", Small2020, 16(16), e1904857


Collaboration work with Prof. Bradley Olsen published in Polymer Chemistry

Helen Yao, Kai Sheng, Jialing Sun, Shupeng Yan, Yingqin Hou, Hua Lu and Bradley D. Olsen*, "Secondary structure drives self-assembly in weakly segregated globular protein-rod block copolymers", Polym. Chem., 202011(17), 3032-3045.


Collaboration work with Prof. Zhibo Li published in CCS Chemistry

Yong Shen, Wei Xiong, Yongzheng Li, Zhichao Zhao, Hua Lu*, and Zhibo Li*, "Chemoselective Polymerization of Fully Biorenewable α-Methylene-γ-Butyrolactone Using Organophosphazene/Urea Binary Catalysts Toward Sustainable Polyesters", CCS Chem. 2020, 2, 620-630.


Congratulations to the authors!