[Members] Dr. Shaolu Li Joined Tianjin Polytechnic University as a Faculty

June 2017.

Dr. Shaolu Li, one of our former postdocs, is now a faculty of Tianjin Polytechnic University. Congratulations and let’s wish him success in the future! Many thanks for his professionalism and great contribution to our group.

[Graduation] Congratulations to Kai Sheng and Xuhao Zhou

June 2017.

Kai Sheng and Xuhao Zhou, two outstanding undergraduate students in our group, successfully defended their theses today. Xuhao will pursue his PHD degree in USA at the Northwestern University in the coming fall, while Kai will stay in our group temporarily to finish some ongoing work before joining his graduate school next year.

Congratulations to both of them and we wish them a bright future.1718584796