[Conference] Taishan Academic Forum

April, 2018.

The Lu group attended the 2018 Taishan Academic Forum at Qingdao University of Science and Technology, a highly focused meeting on advanced and sustainable biopolymers. We enjoyed the scientific discussion, as well as the beach, and beer.

[Group Activity] Joint Group Meeting

Feburary 2018.

The groups of Prof. Li Zichen and Prof. Lu Hua held a joint group meeting on Feb. 2nd 2018 to review their own research progresses of the past semester, exchange ideas, and stimulate in-depth collaborations.



[Publication] Paper accepted in Biomaterials

January 2018.

Dr. Chong Zhang’s work was accepted in the special issue (Chemistry of Biomaterials) of the journal Biomaterials (DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.01.052). In this paper, interesting helical conformation and anchoring orientation effects were discussed, which showed significant impact  to the antifouling performance of the polypeptides-coated surfaces. Please check it out!
