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Glycan microarrays: decoding glycan recognition in infection and immunity 2018-08-03
Targeting tumor tissue to generate innate and adaptive immunity 2018-07-09
Innate Immune Checkpoint in Tumor Microenvironment 2018-06-08
Using an expanded genetic code to study epigenetic modifications 2018-03-27
Interfacing Nanomaterials with Biology: From CRISPR delivery to Antimicrobials 2017-10-25
【SFBC Lecture】Chemoenzymatic Synthesis and Functional Studies of Glycoproteins 2013-07-01
【SFBC Lecture】Alpha1,6-Fucosylation and Its Relationship with Disease 2013-06-16
【SFBC Lecture】Two Lectures On Chemicobiology 2013-06-12
The Third Annual Symposium of SFBC, Peking University, 2013 2013-06-09
【SFBC Lecture】Chemical Approaches to Sorting Out Protein Acetylation 2013-06-05
【SFBC Lecture】Polymer Nanostructures that Direct Biological Function 2013-06-01
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